Breathalyser FAQs
What is a breathalyser?
What is a breathalyser?
A breathalyser is a device used to measure blood alcohol concentration/content (BAC) through a person’s breath. It helps determine if someone is under the influence of alcohol and is commonly used by law enforcement, employers and individuals for personal monitoring.
They are also known as alcohol testers of alcohol breath testers.
How do breathalysers work?
How do breathalysers work?
Breathalysers detect the amount of alcohol in your breath or breath alcohol concentration (BrAC), which correlates to your BAC. When you blow into the device, alcohol molecules in your breath react with sensors, producing a reading.
What does a breathalyser measure?
What does a breathalyser measure?
A breathalyser measures the concentration of alcohol in the breath, expressed as a percentage of BAC. This indicates the amount of alcohol in your bloodstream, helping assess intoxication levels.
How accurate are breathalysers?
How accurate are breathalysers?
Andatech workplace breathalysers and most personal breathalysers are certified by Australian Standards AS3547. The units are also calibrated in a NATA accredited laboratory in Melbourne and typically have an accuracy of ± 0.005% at 0.050%BAC
Are breathalysers accurate?
Are breathalysers accurate?
Breathalysers, especially those from Andatech are accurate when properly maintained and used correctly.
Andateh recommends each breathalyser to be calibrated every six months to maintain accuracy at all times.
How to use a breathalyser?
How to use a breathalyser?
After having your last drink, follow the steps below:
- Wait 20 minutes before conducting a test. Do not eat/drink/smoke during this time.
- Attach a proper mouthpiece to your device.
- Avoid touching the mouthpiece with alcohol or other interfering substances.
- Turn on your breathalyser.
- Blow into the device until a beep or clicking sound is heard.
- Reading will be displayed on screen.
Follow manufacturer guidelines for more accurate instructions.
Where to buy a breathalyser?
Where to buy a breathalyser?
Browse through Andatech’s collection of personal breathalysers and workplace breathalysers. Find your closest retailer though our Find Andatech page.
Which breathalyser should I buy?
Which breathalyser should I buy?
Choose a breathalyser based on your purpose of use. For workplace testing, opt for Andatech workplace breathalysers for high-volume testing with professional-grade accuracy.
For personal use, select compact and user-friendly AlcoSense breathalysers that provide reliable results. Always check reviews, certifications, and product support options before purchasing.
Can police breathalyse you for no reason?
Can police breathalyse you for no reason?
Yes, in Australia, police can conduct random breath tests (RBT) without needing a reason. It’s part of their efforts to reduce drink driving and ensure road safety.
When can the police breathalyse you?
When can the police breathalyse you?
Police can breathalyse you during random breath tests, if they suspect you’re driving under the influence, or after a traffic accident.
Can you be breathalysed on private property?
Can you be breathalysed on private property?
Yes, police can breathalyse you on private property if they suspect you were driving under the influence on public roads beforehand.
Can you be breathalysed on a bicycle or electric bike/scooter?
Can you be breathalysed on a bicycle or electric bike/scooter?
Laws vary in different states, but cyclists aren't generally subject to random breath testing like motorists, they may still be stopped if suspected of being dangerously intoxicated. Learn more from our blog ‘Is it illegal to ride a bike drunk in Australia?’
Can you ask to be breathalysed at a police station?
Can you ask to be breathalysed at a police station?
Yes, you can request a breath test at a police station, although they are not obligated to perform one unless required by law.
Can employers breathalyse employees?
Can employers breathalyse employees?
Yes, employers typically conduct breath tests if it’s part of workplace policies, especially in safety-critical industries. Consent is typically required as per workplace agreements.
Are pilots breathalysed before flying?
Are pilots breathalysed before flying?
Pilots are subject to strict regulations and can be breathalysed during random checks or if there’s reasonable suspicion of alcohol consumption before a flight.
Do you get breathalysed before driving test?
Do you get breathalysed before driving test?
In most cases, no, you are not breathalysed before a driving test. However, examiners may refuse the test if they suspect intoxication.
When was the breathalyser introduced?
When was the breathalyser introduced?
The first roadside breath-testing device was developed in 1931 called the drunkometer. Learn more about the history of breathalysers.
When was the breathalyser introduced in Australia?
When was the breathalyser introduced in Australia?
Victoria was the first Australian state to use breathalysers for law enforcement in the Breath Tests Act in late 1961.
Do breathalysers pick up weed and other drugs?
Do breathalysers pick up weed and other drugs?
Breathalysers do not detect weed or other drugs. However, drug test kits are able to detect the presence of alcohol in a testing sample.
How to beat a breathalyser test?
How to beat a breathalyser test?
It’s a common breathalyser myth that you can “beat” a breath test. Tricks like chewing gum or drinking coffee don’t reduce your BAC. The only way is to allow time for alcohol to metabolise naturally in your body.
FAQs on blood alcohol content (BAC)
What is blood alcohol content?
What is blood alcohol content?
Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) is the industry terminology describing the percentage of alcohol present in an individual’s bloodstream at a particular point in time. It is the key variable that determines whether law enforcement can legally arrest a driver for impairment.
How does blood alcohol content work?
How does blood alcohol content work?
BAC measures how much alcohol has been absorbed into your bloodstream. It increases as alcohol is consumed and decreases as your body metabolises it, primarily through the liver.
What affects blood alcohol content?
What affects blood alcohol content?
BAC is influenced by several factors, including:
- The amount of alcohol consumed.
- Body weight and gender.
- Metabolism rate.
- Food consumption before or during drinking.
- The time elapsed since drinking started.
Learn more about the factors that affect BAC and intoxication levels.
How is blood alcohol content measured?
How is blood alcohol content measured?
BAC is measured using breathalysers, blood tests, or urine tests. Breathalysers estimate BAC by analysing alcohol levels in exhaled breath.
How to calculate blood alcohol content?
How to calculate blood alcohol content?
BAC can be estimated using formulas or calculators that factor in different variables like body weight, amount of alcohol consumed, gender and the time elapsed.
However, these are usually inaccurate. The most convenient way to estimate BAC by using a breathalyser.
Is there a formula to calculate BAC?
Is there a formula to calculate BAC?
The Widmark formula is commonly used to estimate BAC:
BAC (%) = (Alcohol consumed in grams / (Body weight in grams × r)) × 100
Where "r" is the alcohol distribution ratio: 0.73 for men and 0.66 for women.
This formula, however can be inaccurate as the formula does not take into account other factors like, body fat percentage, strength of alcohol, and more.
How can I check alcohol content in blood?
How can I check alcohol content in blood?
Apart from using a breathalyser, BAC can also be calculated through blood tests (precise measurements) or urine tests (less accurate).
What is the legal blood alcohol content level for driving?
What is the legal blood alcohol content level for driving?
The legal BAC limit varies by country. In Australia, it is 0.05% for most drivers. Zero alcohol tolerance applies to learner or provisional licence holders.
Learn more about the drink driving laws around the world.
What blood alcohol content makes you drunk?
What blood alcohol content makes you drunk?
In Australia, a BAC of 0.05% or higher is considered too impaired for driving. However, impairment can start at low doses of alcohol and varies from person to person.
Andatech discourages driving even at low doses of alcohol.
What is a high blood alcohol content?
What is a high blood alcohol content?
A BAC of 0.05% is considered high and indicates significant impairment. A BAC of 0.15% and above are considered extremely dangerous and pose health risks.
What is a dangerous blood alcohol content?
What is a dangerous blood alcohol content?
A BAC of 0.15% can pose significant health risks whereas a BAC of 0.30% can result in unconsciousness, breathing difficulties and even death.
What blood alcohol content is lethal?
What blood alcohol content is lethal?
A BAC of 0.30% to 0.40% or higher is often fatal. At this point, the risk of coma, respiratory failure, and death is very high.
How do I lower my blood alcohol content?
How do I lower my blood alcohol content?
There is no quick fix to lowering your BAC. On average, the body metabolises alcohol at an average rate of 0.015% BAC per hour. Rest and time is the only way to reduce BAC.
Can employers breathalyse employees?
Can employers breathalyse employees?
Yes, employers typically conduct breath tests if it’s part of workplace policies, especially in safety-critical industries. Consent is typically required as per workplace agreements.
Does drinking water lower blood alcohol content?
Does drinking water lower blood alcohol content?
Drinking water does NOT lower your BAC but can reduce hydration and alleviate hangover symptoms.
Does food lower your blood alcohol content?
Does food lower your blood alcohol content?
Eating does not lower your BAC once you have consumed alcohol. Eating before drinking can, however, slow down the absorption of alcohol and lower your peak BAC.
Does urinating lower blood alcohol content?
Does urinating lower blood alcohol content?
No, urinating does not affect BAC. Alcohol is metabolised by the liver and not eliminated significantly through urine.
Does coffee affect blood alcohol content?
Does coffee affect blood alcohol content?
No, coffee does not lower BAC. It may temporarily make you feel more awake, but it does not speed up alcohol metabolism.
How long can a person's blood alcohol content keep rising?
How long can a person's blood alcohol content keep rising?
Your BAC starts to rise as soon as you stop drinking and can continue to do so up to two hours after your last drink.
How long does alcohol stay in your system?
How long does alcohol stay in your system?
BAC decreases at a steady rate of 0.015% per hour. If your BAC is at 0.05%, it could take over 4 hours for it to return to zero. However, this varies depending on individual weight, age, gender, liver function, and more.
How to remove alcohol content from blood?
How to remove alcohol content from blood?
There is no way to immediately remove alcohol from your blood. The only effective method is to allow time for your body to metabolise the alcohol.