Are we doing enough to prevent Australia’s rising death toll?
Australia’s road toll is at its highest in over a decade, with authorities struggling to meet national safety targets. Learn what’s being done and how we can prevent further fatalities.
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Australian Standard AS3547 certified workplace breathalysers and personal breathalysers. Calibration available at NATA accredited laboratory.
Reliable, tamper-proof and in accordance with your company’s alcohol & drug testing policy. Cut-off limits in compliance with AS/NZS4308:2008 and AS/NZS4760:2019.
Stringent chain of custody procedure. Maintain a safe working environment, regardless of your company size.
of workplace accidents and injuries involve alcohol.
— Alcohol and Drug Foundation (2023)
or Australian workers misused pharmaceuticals during 2019, with opioids the most likely to be misused.
— National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (2020)
cost to workplaces due to alcohol- and illicit drug-related absenteeism
— National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (2022)