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How breathalysers aid in treating alcoholism

How breathalysers aid in treating alcoholism

Alcohol addiction or alcoholism is a severe, chronic disorder that millions of people worldwide endure and is the most common and prevalent addiction problem in Australia. A person suffering from alcoholism or alcohol addiction is usually unable to control their alcohol cravings and usually drinks more alcohol than intended.

Alcohol addiction can result in physical, psychological and social problems. Beating it will require a combination of different steps, including joining support groups, behavioural therapies and detoxification.

Here, we’ll discuss how a breathalyser can be used to help struggling addicts beat alcoholism and continue leading healthy lives.

READ MORE: How to treat an alcohol addiction

How breathalysers work

AlcoSense breathalysers are able to accurately measure a person’s blood alcohol content or blood alcohol concentration (BAC) through a single breath sample. Once alcohol is consumed and enters the drinker’s bloodstream, it eventually finds its way to the lungs. Alcohol then evaporates from the lungs and is exhaled through the breath.

When alcohol found in the breath sample is blown into the breathalyser, a chemical reaction is caused that oxidizes the alcohol in the breath sample to produce an electrical current. This current is then measured to produce an estimated BAC reading.

READ MORE: Breathalyser dos and don’ts

Using breathalysers in alcohol addiction treatment

There are several benefits to using breathalysers in the treatment of alcoholism. Firstly, they provide a measure of the patient’s alcohol consumption. BAC readings from AlcoSense breathalysers provide an objective measure of how much alcohol has been consumed by the subject. This helps eliminate ‘guesstimates’ or subjective interpretations of the patient’s alcohol consumption which is a common problem with self-reporting.

Breathalysers also help hold the patient accountable for their actions. By regularly monitoring their alcohol consumption, patients are less likely to relapse or engage in risky behaviour that could potentially harm their road to recovery.

Additionally, with breathalysers that come with mobile pairing such as the Elite 3 BT and the Nexus, BAC readings can be recorded and displayed in an easy-to-read chart which could provide a valuable tool for therapists to use during therapy sessions. By tracking a patient’s progress over time, therapists can see patterns in the patient’s behaviour and tailor a treatment plan accordingly.

Overall, breathalysers are a valuable tool in detecting and monitoring alcohol consumption, whether for personal use or at workplaces. They can help individuals make informed decisions about whether or not they are safe to drive, operate heavy machines, engage in other activities that require clear judgement, or in the case of alcohol addiction, stop drinking when reaching a certain BAC level.

While breathalysers can be a valuable tool in treating alcoholism, they should be used alongside other treatment methods such as therapy, support groups or medication-based treatments and under the guidance of a qualified healthcare professional.

Browse through the wide collection of Andatech industrial breathalysers and AlcoSense personal breathalysers to start creating a safer Australia today.

For more information on alcohol and drug testing in Australia, check out the following resources: